51. Diocese of San Jose
February 16, 2020
Changing Our World‘s Jim Friend and Tom Farrell visit the Diocese of San Jose and speak with Joe Naylor, Chief Development Officer. Joe talks about the first couple of years in his new role in the diocese, including some of the new initiatives he has introduced. Some examples include a Fundraising Bootcamp for pastors and a Diocesan Legacy Society.
Joe previously served as Vice President for Advancement and Communications for two different Provinces of the Society of Jesus. He also formerly served as Executive Director for the Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Foundation and Senior Director of Gift Planning for the Los Angeles Orthopedic Hospital Foundation. Joe brings great passion, expertise, and creativity to his work in the diocese.
The Diocese of San Jose, The Catholic Church in Santa Clara County
The Diocese of San Jose makes its home in a fertile valley surrounded by rolling hills and pine-covered mountains. Known from the 19th century as “the Valley of the Heart’s Delight, ” it has a history and legacy of abundance—orchards heavy with sweet fruit—apricots, prunes, cherries, and pears. Today, Santa Clara County identifies as Silicon Valley and serves as a global center for technology, innovation, and social media. Over the years, orchards have given way to industrial parks, and crops of “dot-coms” have replaced the fruit. Santa Clara is Northern California’s most populous county with economic and cultural opportunities.
The diocese is comprised of 600,000 Catholics. This encompasses 54 parishes and missions, 26 elementary schools and six high schools, and three college and university campus ministries. The diocese serves the people of the valley in collaboration with scores of other organizations carrying out the same mission.
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