55. National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry
Published: March 15, 2020
How do we engage young people in conversations about their faith and the Church? Christina Lamas is the Executive Director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). On today’s show, Christina shares a personal story about how she engages young people in this important conversation. Christina also shares about the very successful National Catholic Youth Conference hosted by NFCYM in November 2019, which included over 20,000 attendees, and the support she receives from her board and Archbishop Nelson Perez, the Episcopal Moderator. Learn more about how Youth Ministry is growing nationwide on today’s show.
About Christina Lamas
Christina Lamas made her way into the field of Youth Ministry after 10 years of volunteering at her home parish. She went on to serve as Associate Director and Division Coordinator of Youth Ministry in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Lamas has presented to national and international audiences. Currently, she is serving as Executive Director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry and brings with her more than 20 years of experience in catechesis and youth ministry.
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