27. Diocese of Camden: Catholic Strong
Published: August 18, 2019
About Today’s Show
How does a diocese become “Catholic Strong?” Can you engage stakeholders in this effort? Can you continue the campaign through the PA Grand Jury Report? Did it help that the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl? We will discuss all of these questions and more on today’s show.
Join Changing Our World‘s Shawn Trahan and Jim Friend as they travel to the Diocese of Camden. Shawn and Jim talk with Rev. Robert E. Hughes, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, and Mariann Gilbride, Director of the Development for the Diocese of Camden. Together with diocesan partners, Shawn directed the campaign that led the team to success. Fr. Hughes and Mariann share their stories of success and new opportunities.
The Catholic Strong Campaign
In August 2017, the Diocese of Camden embarked upon the “Catholic Strong” Diocesan Capital Campaign. The campaign for Catholics in South Jersey successfully secured pledges totaling over $40 million. Gifts primarily benefited local parishes. Furthermore, 70% of the funds raised will support parish needs, and 30% will be allocated to various diocesan ministries. Bishop Sullivan’s focus has been to actively engage the laity and clergy. By doing so, it will promote the well-being of the parishes and the diocese.
This episode continues our discussion on successful diocesan capital campaigns. Are you looking for more information about Diocesan Campaigns? If you have any questions about today’s show, please contact Jim Friend. Additionally, check out “Getting Ready for a Diocesan Campaign.” so that you can learn more about what is needed for a successful campaign.
Daily Spiritual Reflection and Prayers on “Kristin’s Crosses”
Join Jim and Kristin Friend and their family on Kristin’s Crosses YouTube Channel for “Today’s Catholic Prayers.” Jim and Kristin offer the daily Gospel and Reflection along with the Rosary and Catholic Prayers of the day. Click here to visit the YouTube Page and subscribe. If you would like to join the Kristin’s Crosses prayer group on Facebook, click here to request to join.