127. John Mathew Knowles – A Heart for Stewardship
December 04, 2022
Today, Jim Friend is joined by John Matthew Knowles, J.D., a business development strategist and advancement executive who serves as Executive Director of the Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference, or DFMC, and President of the Catholic Finance Association. In addition to these leadership roles, John serves on boards of directors, task forces, and advisory councils for several national Catholic organizations while also advising several Catholic philanthropists and families confidentially and informally. He is the host of the Faith and Finance Forum podcast/YouTube show, available on all streaming apps and platforms. John holds a B.A. from Western Michigan University, a J.D. from Michigan State University College of Law, and a Fellowship Certificate in Leadership, also from Michigan State University. John lives in Saucon Valley, Pennsylvania, with Jennifer, his wife of 14 years, daughter Rosemary (aged 4), and Luke Abraham (aged 1).
Watch the video presentation of this discussion.
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