4. Interview with Msgr. Andrew Baker
Published: May 07, 2017
“The Priesthood is the Love of the Heart of Jesus.” This week, Jim Friend travels to Emmitsburg, Maryland, the home of the Seminary at Mount St. Mary’s University. Our latest episode features Msgr. Andrew Baker, the Rector of the Seminary and a Vice President of the University. The Diocese of Allentown ordained Msgr. Bakerto the priesthood in 1991. He has served in various parishes, including as pastor of the Cathedral of St. Catherine of Siena. Msgr. Baker taught high school, served as a University Chaplain, a faculty member of St. Charles Seminary and for the Congregation for Bishops in Rome.
St. John Vianney said, “The Priesthood is the Love of the Heart of Jesus.” Msgr. Baker shares with us his strategy for running a seminary that receives seminarians from all around the United States. We talk about marketing, fundraising, and how we can all encourage vocations. No surprise that it’s all about relationships.
Msgr. Baker also discusses how he managed to run a successful debt reduction campaign while he was pastor. He offers great thoughts on his role as pastor, which can be applied to anyone thinking about a fundraising campaign.
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