17. Stewardship Day in Miami
Published: June 16, 2019
The 2019 Florida Stewardship Conference, which was held in May 2019 in Miami, was a tremendous success and as a result, we had the great opportunity to conduct a series of great interviews. Some of our guests included, but were not limited to Archbishop Wenski, Archbishop of Miami; Julianne Stanz, author and national speaker on Evangelization; and Fr. Leo Patalinghug, also known as the “cooking priest”. This week’s co-host is Anna Vallez, Senior Director at Changing Our World (CW). Anna talks with us about Stewardship and CW’s approaches to Stewardship with the Latino community. Anna’s enthusiasm, coupled with her experience in overseeing Stewardship initiatives, makes this an exciting podcast.
Staff Spotlight: This week, meet Gavan Mooney. Gavan is President and Chief Client Officer for Changing Our World. During Gavan’s interview, we discuss his inspired vision for our podcast and CW’s long and distinguished history of working with Catholic nonprofits, dioceses, parishes, hospitals and much more.
There are many great stories of people and institutions advancing the mission of our Church today. With this in mind, Advancing Our Church wants to hear from you with the hope that we can share the excellent work you are doing. At the same time, you might also know about someone making a significant impact. Tell us about it by emailing jim@advancingourchurch.com or by contacting us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
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