125. The Generosity Crisis
Published: November 01, 2022
Join Brian Crimmins, CEO of Changing Our World, and Nathan Chappell, Senior VP of AI at DonorSearch, authors of the new book Generosity Crisis: The Case for Radical Connection to Solve Humanity’s Greatest Challenges as they share a startling analysis of the changing nature of generosity in America and why its decline threatens to end the modern non-profit era. The Generosity Crisis demonstrates that if we do not change course, in fewer than 50 years- we could live in a world where inequality has never been as stark or as dangerous. Our relationship with Christ and our good Stewardship is the only antidote to isolation in a fallen world. Join us for a conversation about enabling radical connections with donors that invite them to help us tackle our Church’s most intractable problems.
Purchase the new Book: Generosity Crisis: The Case for Radical Connection to Solve Humanity’s Greatest Challenges
Brian CrimminsBrian is the Chief Executive Officer of Changing Our World, where he is responsible for the overall management, success, and growth of our firm. Brian has personally provided counsel to countless Catholic clients over the past 25 years. Brian oversees all aspects of Changing Our World’s service lines, including Nonprofit Services, Corporate, Research & Analysis, and Communications. Brian has extensive experience designing and building strategic initiatives that enable nonprofits and corporations to achieve their philanthropic goals. He is often called upon to speak at conferences regarding the philanthropic landscape and current trends in philanthropy. Brian has also mentored students from Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. He serves on the Board of Chaminade High School and is Vice Chair of the Board of the Institute for Catholic Schools at St. John’s University. Brian holds a Bachelor of Science degree from St. John’s University and an MBA in Marketing Management from St. John’s Tobin School of Business.
Nathan ChappellNathan is a thought leader, public speaker, writer, and one of the world’s foremost experts on the intersection between Artificial Intelligence and philanthropy. He is the Senior Vice President of DonorSearch, leading the research and development efforts dedicated to leveraging artificial intelligence to help nonprofits harness actionable insights from big data. In 2018, Nathan presented the first TEDx talk on the topic of artificial intelligence and the future of generosity. In 2019 Nathan was listed as one of the Top 100 Influencers in Philanthropy. In 2021, he founded Fundraising.Ai as a member-centric collaboration with a focus on data ethics, data equality, privacy and security, and sustainability. Nathan holds a Master’s in Nonprofit Administration from the University of Notre Dame, an MBA from the University of Redlands, a certificate in International Economics from the University of Cambridge, and a certificate in Artificial Intelligence from MIT.
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Don’t miss the webinar series FORGING FORWARD, a virtual philanthropic conference designed to bring you nonprofit experts from around the country who are leading through the COVID-19 crisis.
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