136. Tom Quinlan – Parish Evangelization
Published: May 01, 2023
Today we will be talking about Evangelization with our special guest Tom Quinlan. As Catholics, we are called to spread the Good News of the Gospel and share the love of Christ with others. This is what evangelization is all about, and it’s a crucial aspect of our faith. Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of evangelization, calling on all Catholics to be missionary disciples and to go out to the peripheries to share the joy of the Gospel. But what does evangelization mean, and how can we do it effectively in our modern world? In this episode, we’ll explore these questions and more as we discuss the vital role of evangelization in the Catholic Church. In this episode, one resource that Tom discusses is Divine Renovation. Here is a link to their ministry.
Tom Quinlan has served in parish, diocesan, and national catechetical leadership roles for nearly 30 years. He has served on Catholic boards: National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, Paulist Evangelization Ministries, and now, Alpha in a Catholic Context. He has spoken in dioceses and conferences throughout the country, including at Franciscan University and the LA Religious Education Congress. Tom is the author of three books, two on the Eucharist and one on catechetical leadership (Excellence in Ministry: Best Practices for Successful Catechetical Leadership). His style strives to bring spirituality, theological reflection, and pastoral application into synergy. He lives in the Des Moines (Iowa) area with his wife and two boys, where he directs the St. Joseph Evangelization Center and serves 24 parishes in the region. Tom welcomes hearing from Church leaders and can be contacted through LinkedIn or via email.
This episode is sponsored by: Changing Our World
A big thank you to Podastery Studies for producing this episode.
Watch the video presentation of this discussion.
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