42. Brian Corbin, Catholic Charities USA
Published: December 08, 2019
This week, Changing Our World‘s, Jim Friend speaks with Brian Corbin, KHS, Executive Vice President for Member Services at Catholic Charities USA. For Brian, Catholic Charities is “a ministry of the Bishop that enables us to continue the work of the early Apostles in caring for the widows, orphans, and strangers among us.” Today, we see how Catholic Charities provides service to people in need, advocates for justice, and calls the entire church and other people of goodwill to do the same.
About Brian Corbin
Prior to joining Catholic Charities, Brian served as the Executive Director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Youngstown. He also served as the Diocesan Director for Migration and Refugee Services (MRS). Brian served as the Diocesan Director of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the Director of Catholic Relief Services. He was also the Diocesan Liaison for the Northeast Ohio Diocesan Council of St. Vincent de Paul. With over 27 years of service, Brian provided coordination for the health and social ministries of the Church. He created opportunities for Church and community leaders to understand and be formed in Catholic social doctrine. Brian was Secretary of the National Board of Trustees for CCUSA and chaired the National Advisory Council of the USCCB.
Brian holds a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from The Pontifical School of Philosophy. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics from The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. Brian is completing his Ph.D. at M.I.T. and has completed doctoral work in Organizational Leadership at Youngstown State University. He holds a Certification in Health Care Ethics from The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Brian is a member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Brian has been with Catholic Charities for over 28 years and he is married to Dr. Donna DeBlasio.
Follow him on Twitter @brianrcorbin
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