7. Catholic Stewardship with Jim Lanahan
Published: May 31, 2017
Let’s talk about Stewardship!
Meet Jim Lanahan, Director of Development for the Diocese of Camden. Jim talks about implementing Stewardship and Development in a diocesan setting. He Lanahan brings a lifetime career to fundraising. He has served in the Diocese of Camden for the past 17 years.
What is Stewardship? How do we relate to our donors, board members and parishes the importance of adopting a spirituality centered around the 1992 Bishop’s Pastoral document, Stewardship: A Disciples Response? Connecting our faith and our need to give is at the heart of being a good steward. We begin our conversation around team building and a program called Strength Finders by the Gallup Organization. We talk about staff development, organizing around your annual development plan and how the Holy Spirit can play a role in inspiring our work.
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