22. Creating Your Case for Support
Published: July 21, 2019
Creating your case for support is a key element for any nonprofit organization seeking to raise funds for an annual appeal, capital campaign, major gifts program or any key initiative. Join Changing Our World Consultants Colleen Burdick, Kaitlin McTighe, Ray Witkowski, and our host, Jim Friend, for a discussion about the who, what and why of creating a compelling Case for Support. Hear real-life examples, the do’s and the don’ts, and about how engaging your donors in a conversation about your case will rally further support.
Reviewing and refining your Case for support each year is an important exercise. Our consultants also consider how you should look at your Case as a living document. It is an opportunity to show your donor’s progress and to use that progress to leverage giving. Involving your donors in the development of your Case for Support shows them that they have input on your mission and that they can help you make a difference.
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