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113. Braving the THIN Places

Published: March 16, 2022

Julianne Stanz joins Jim Friend to discuss her new book, Braving the THIN Places. A “thin place” is where God’s grace is waiting to happen. Your thin place might be an important threshold, a soul friend, a fresh chapter in your own life story, a painful secret or fear, or a time of hardship. Whatever the circumstance, a thin place is where God and humanity meet in a mysterious way. These moments open us to places of rawness and beauty. When we enter into a thin place, something seems to break open inside us, and words are inadequate to describe what we are experiencing. In these moments, we feel a sense of breakthrough as we break free of the ordinary and experience the extraordinary amid our daily lives. For more information about Julianne, her book, and where she will be presenting next, please visit her website.

Watch the video presentation of this discussion.

Recorded: March 6, 2022

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Daily Spiritual Reflection and Prayers on “Kristin’s Crosses”

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